Michael Rash, Security Researcher

Software Release - fwknop-1.9.7

fwknop-1.9.7 release The 1.9.7 release of fwknop is available for download. This release changes several areas of fwknop related to packaging and packet decoding. First, in order to better support the work of Franck Joncourt to package the projects for Debian, all perl module dependencies have been moved into the deps/ directory. Second, it is looking like fwknop will eventually be integrated with Fedora thanks to the work of Mirek Trmac who contributed significant patches (including the removal of the NetPacket dependency). Also, as mentioned in the latest releases of fwsnort and psad, every project release is now signed with a new GnuPG key that is dedicated just for this purpose, and this key can be downloaded here.

The complete ChangeLog for fwknop-1.9.7 appears below:

  • Mirek Trmac from Red Hat contributed several patches so that fwknop can be bundled within the Fedora Linux distribution. These patches implemented the following changes:
    • Updates to fwknopd to remove the NetPacket module as a dependency (this is a particularly important update since it assists with getting fwknop bundled with Debian as well). The patch manually decodes the network and transport layer headers.
    • A patch to make the fwknop init script not start fwknopd by default on Red Hat systems. This patch also supports Fedora init script conventions better (i.e. fwknop instead of the fwknopd name for the lock file in /var/lock/subsys).
    • Updated the fwknop Makefile to respect the OPTS variable which is used in the RPM spec file.
    • Bugfix in fwknop_serv to support the variable expansion code from fwknopd. This was important for the TCPSERV_PID_FILE file which is defined as $FWKNOP_RUN_DIR/
    • Updated fwknopd to use the Net::Pcap API valid in Net::Pcap-0.14 for the datalink() function (used to detect the datalink layer type).
  • Updated fwknop, fwknopd, and knoptm to import perl modules out of the /usr/lib/fwknop/ directory if it exists. This allows the perl module path to be manipulated via the --Lib-dir command line argument and 'require' statements instead of the old 'use module' strategy.
  • Added module version output for each non-core perl module used by fwknop and fwknopd in --debug mode. This is mostly useful for the test suite to see which versions of the modules are being used.
  • Added the ability to ignore any local GnuPG 'options' file with a new command line argument --gpg-no-options (for the fwknop client) and a new access.conf config variable GPG_NO_OPTIONS (for the fwknopd daemon). This fixes a problem reported by Mike Holzmann where the 'encrypt-to' option in the default options file was causing SPA packets to exceed 1500 bytes when encrypted with a 2048-bit GnuPG key. Also added the MAX_SNIFF_BYTES to the fwknop.conf file and --Max-packet-size to the fwknop command line to alter the default of 1500 bytes if needed (but this shouldn't really be necessary).
  • Bugfix for 'Premature end of base64 data' and 'Premature padding of base64 data' warning messages from MIME::Base64 errors. Now fwknopd applies more rigorous checks for base64 encoded characters, and either of these two messages above will result in the packet data being discarded before it is sent through any decryption function. Mike Holzmann reported this issue.
  • (Test suite) Added --test-system-fwknop to allow any installed version of fwknop to be installed instead of the scripts bundled within the local source distribution.